After we applied to designate the Harehills Neighbourhood Forum and Harehills Neighbourhood Area, we had a busy few weeks putting up posters around the area and letting the local communities know about the proposals and the consultation period so they could comment. We had a great response with lots of comments sent into the Neighbourhood Planning Team supporting us. At the end of April, we found out that our application was successful so we are now officially designated as Harehills Neighbourhood Forum and have the right to create a Neighbourhood Plan for the Harehills Neighbourhood Area. A huge amount of work has gone into the process since autumn 2021 so it really is a wonderful achievement for everyone who’s been involved so far.
Since we’re taking part in the national ‘Simpler Approach to Neighbourhood Planning’ pilot, we’ll be starting to consult you on your priorities for the area very shortly – please do consider getting involved and filling in our questionnaire if you live, work or carry out business in the area. We want our Neighbourhood Priorities Statement to reflect the needs and wishes of everyone in Harehills. Look out for our next post which will give more details!